Language Families



Project Type


Project Year


This project was apart of Codecademy's Java for Programmers course. I completed this project after finishing the Object-Oriented Programming in Java section.

Languages, just like people, often have families. You can even map language lineage a bit like a family tree.

Java can help us build a model to track inherited traits across families. In this case, we’ll focus on something that often varies between language families: word order — where the subject, verb, and object would go in a sentence.

My Language Inheritance package had three Java files:

  • for the Language parent class, which serves as the template for all languages.
  • for Mayan, a child class of Language modeled after the Mayan language family.
  • for SinoTibetan, a child class of Language modeled after the Sino-Tibetan language family.

My objective was to build out a Java package with these classes to model real-world language families.

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